As part of my quest for wearable vintage separates, I\’m searching for a good tried and true blouse pattern. I showed you my wearable muslin (er, wearable under a buttoned-up cardigan with just the collar peeking out) of Butterick 3324 here but I thought it was too small. I posted a couple of sneak peeks of pattern option #2 on instagram so this isn\’t brand new if you follow me there (which you should #duh). Today I have for you Simplicity 4888:
Vintage Patterns wikia has it as \”ca. 1963.\” I didn\’t see a date on my pattern, but I would say that 1963 sounds reasonable–the hair and styling looks early-60s to me. Disclaimer: I don\’t really know what I\’m talking about. For actual facts about 1963, see Catherine\’s post here!
As springtime approaches (slowly, slowly) I\’ve definitely been gravitating towards more sweet and girly looks. I had lovely lavender nails (Essie\’s \”Full Steam Ahead\”) to go with my coral skirt and my new little blouse and I feel quite springy despite my black tights and the fact it was 35 degrees out.
I don\’t have tons of garment photos since this is more of a wearable muslin, and because I forced my fiance to take them at night before a Doomtree show (you can watch their super creepy new music video here, oh man!) and he was feeling a little conspicuous I believe, so perhaps this post is toeing the line between \”personal style\” blog–yes, this is what I wore to a hip hop show–and sewing blogging so if you\’re JUST here for the sewing, #sorrynotsorry. Okay fine, here\’s some sewing.
The construction of this top is simple and easy, just what I am looking for in a TnT blouse.
I like that it doesn\’t have a neck facing, and I changed it a little bit to eliminate front facings too.
I like the collar I made, and I\’m sure I will like the peter pan collar too. A lot of the patterns Cat has in her \’63 post have the same collar as this one. I think it is called a \”pointed flat\” collar. This one\’s not a round peter pan shape, but its also not really what I would consider a \”flat\” collar. You can see it does stand away from the shoulder seams a little bit. I don\’t know! (I think I\’m just confused by the terminology because some peter pan collars really are totally flat! I think Christine Haynes\’ sewing patterns have truly flat collars, and I have not purchased the Emery dress, despite it\’s popularity, as this type of collar is not one of my favorite looks. I have nothing against this style, this is just my personal preference, but I would have to redraft a collar, and at that point, I have dresses that look similar sans collar and I may as well just use one of those.)
The shoulders/sleeves fit fine, although I may take some ease out of the sleeve cap next time to eliminate those little puffs. I like the sleeve options and I think it will be very versatile, once I fix my fit issues with it. If you remember, the back of the Butterick blouse was too small for me. I think the back of this one fits better. I\’m not looking for it to be very fitted, it\’s not a fitted type of shirt.
Overall, this is another wearable muslin blouse–but better than the last one. This one I can wear with an unbuttoned cardigan. Baby steps. And I did get a compliment on my outfit from a stranger.
Slightly off-topic: I find it very difficult to find peter pan shirts without puff sleeves RTW. I get why this is, but there are twee things I like (like peter pan collars and bows) and twee things I do not like (ruffles, generally), and then, in a third, special category, there are puff sleeves, which I detest. Peter pan collars and puff sleeves are always paired and they do not need to go together! Thank goodness for sewing 🙂
Questions for you:
Where do you think sewing blog ends and personal style blog begins?
How do you feel about puff sleeves and other twee details?
And what do you call one of these collars?! I would love to know.
Looks so nice! the Fabric looks like it would feel gooood ^^I think all sewing blogs have a style element, don't you? It can't be helped! I guess once there's no sewing what so ever on the blog it ceases to be a sewing blog, but personally, I'm totally pro style talk on sewing blogs, it all goes hand in hand!
This is such a cute top! I don't think there really is a line for me. I'm more of an \”I made it, it's my style so here\” kind of person anyway. I'm 100% a fan of all twee details, and don't think there is a line. Maybe I'm not the best person to ask…
I agree that all sewing blogs contain a style element intrinsically because we are taking a pattern and a piece of fabric and making them our own and then modelling them with accessories, etc. I love your blouse and that collar is cuteness personified!
This is exactly the kind of shirt I had to wear as my uniform at Sacred Heart. I always referred to this as a peter pan collar, but technically I think the pp collar has rounded edges. I hate puff sleeves on anyone over the age of 9; ditto with ruffles and bow sashes. Why does there have to be a differentiation between a sewing/style blog? If there is some sort of formula, scrap it. (silly sewing pun there)
I feel like especially with all this discussion of creating your own style (like Colette's Wardrobe Architect) there's been a downturn in sewing across my blogreader recently! Which, in my opinion, isn't a good or bad thing, just different.
Thanks! I'm working on Version #2 already so you know I like it too! I love ALL twee details in general in theory, and I love SOME twee details on me in specific 🙂
Isn't it? I think this style of collar is my favorite–it's not too girly, but it still feels feminine (if that makes any sense).
I had to wear a real peter pan collar in elementary as well! I don't remember them having puff sleeves, but I could be wrong. I guess designers assume that if you are a grown woman and you want a cutesy little peter pan collar, you probably want cutesy little puff sleeves as well, but I don't like the way they make my shoulders look.
I adore your blouse — sweet, feminine & classic 😀
Thank you, Ginny!
oh hey thanks for the name check! I would concur, it looks very early 60s going by the hair and the skirts and pants they have been drawn with. Anyhoo. smashing collar! It looks very neat and point which i assume is what you're going for? I've worn full 60s get up to a hip hop concert once. does Ugly Duckling count? it totally doesn't go with the theme anyway and there was a camera man who was filming and kept pointing the bloody thing at me and so therefore my very annoyed looking face was up on a projector for everyone to see. not cool!i love twee things, but i have to be careful not to OD on them. I have all these bows i bought from Daiso which i'm tempted often to add to things that already have contrasting collars and buttons and stuff like that. And since ive mastered set-in sleeves ive not done a lot of puff sleeves but i still like them. oh and ribbon trim! watch out!
I refer to your series alllll the time! I mentioned it in my video too, hope you don't mind!And poor thing–you would think the camera man would have noticed that the face he was filming did NOT look pleased!! I think it's extra tricky since the styles of the 50s and 60s are already pretty feminine, as opposed to maybe the 40s where there's more tailored jackets, etc. Especially if you're making a babydoll dress or something, there's a line you have to toe very carefully!