Welcome to week two of New Year, New Wardrobe! This week I\’m tackling color palette before briefly touching on what I currently have in my handmade closet. I have a pretty good idea of what colors I want to focus on for this year\’s sewing. Using a combination of my mood boards from last week,…
Archives for January 2017
8 Patterns for Beginner Vintage Dressmakers
While working on the round-up of my 2016 vintage garments, I started thinking about getting started in vintage sewing. Two of my first ever makes were vintage dresses, so I\’ve basically always been interested in vintage sewing and the 50s and 60s in particular. The whole reason I picked up a sewing machine was that…
New Year, New Wardrobe: Week One
I mentioned Sunday that I was planning on doing something a little different, and here I am with a little four-part mini-series entitled \”New Year, New Wardrobe\”–just like this month\’s Social Sew. If you aren\’t a fan of introspective/wardrobe planning posts, you\’ve been warned, but don\’t worry, I\’ll try and keep it short. In the…
5 Ways to Use Quilting Cotton (If You\’re Not a Quilter)
Thank you to Stash Builder Box for providing the supplies for this post. I don\’t sew much with quilting-weight cotton. Although I used to make all my clothes with quilting cotton, now that I\’m generally more confident in the success of my garments, I\’m more willing to splash out a bit and pick up a…
Silk Flounce Swing Dress (Simplicity 6820)
Ever since graduation, my college girlfriends and I have always gotten together for New Year\’s Eve, (dragging along our boyfriends, slowly turning into fiances and husbands). We all go somewhere and get a hotel room or rent a house–we\’ve done Chicago, New York City, Raleigh, and this was our second time returning to a place…